
Welcome to the Goodrich Memorial Library

Our hours are: Monday through Friday 10:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M. and Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The computers are now available to the public.

For those not comfortable entering the library, please call or email us at 802-334-7902 or reserve@goodrichlibrary.org so that we may gather material for you in advance and bring it to the door when you arrive in order to minimize contact. We look forward to seeing all of you!

Serving the community of Newport for over 120 years

Available to patrons of the Goodrich Memorial Library are books, DVDs, audio books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, and an expanded large print section. We also provide access to public computers, black and white printing, a fax machine, and free Wi-Fi.

The Goodrich Memorial Library first opened its doors in 1899, due in large part to the generous donations of Converse and Almira Goodrich. In 1983, the building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Thanks to a substantial grant received in 2003, the library has since been restored to its original beauty and elegance.

The library is wheelchair accessible from the rear entrance on Field Avenue.